We are 24 hours SHINC available to our customers with speed and excellence, in a customized manner, taking into account their demands.

We represent them as:

  • Charterer's agent;
  • Shipowner's agent;
  • Protective agent;
  • Husbandry agent.

With a different relationship with the Port Authority, as well as with port operators and other involved Authorities, we can ensure the moorings in accordance with the berthing window, as well as efficient and fast port operations.

We offer the following services:



  • Representation and defense of Customer's interests in Berthing meetings and operational issues of ship's call;
  • Submission of berthing and unberthing reports up to 1 hour after the maneuver;
  • Opening calls in the Paperless Port and berthing and unberthing in the Mercante/Siscarga Systems at no cost;
  • Remittance of information about ship's prospects and operation and competing vessels;
  • Daily remittance of lineups and  production reports with information of any vessel's stay problems and operations;
  • Issuing Bills of Lading;
  • Remittance of monthly statistics.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    



  • Assistance to vessels and crew during their stay;
  • Assistance in providing water, fuel, spare parts, and documents, at no cost, when we are agents;
  • Crew change;
  • Accompaniment of the PSC inspections and Inspectors of Classification Societies;
  • Follow-up holds and cargo surveys by Insurance and Supervision Companies Inspectors ;
  • Accompaniment of the draft survey (initial and final);
  • Mobile supply to the Master when needed;
  • Daily visits on board.
  • Spare part delivery